
Throughout the time of Whitney being an internet superstar for all the wrong reasons, she has obviously got through her fair share of social media accounts, most of which will end in banning.

Although she does get banned often, that does not stop her.

Sooner or later, Amy Lynn Lew will pop up with another username and get back to her old tricks of causing internet uproar with her new content.

Whitney Wisconsin Tumblr

Most of the global fame for Whitney started when she created a Tumblr account to keep all her content in one place, this was great for her fans to keep up to date with what she is doing, obviously before its downloaded and shared across the internet millions of times.

The famous McDonalds drive through masturbation was the first video that was uploaded to her Tumblr page and received over ten thousands notes before it was deleted. Even though it was deleted by her, its been uploaded to several websites online and is still searched for today.


Below is the last video that Whitney uploaded to tumblr, she dedicated it to all her followers on the platform as a thank you for supporting her content.

Although it is just a straight forward video of her masturbating, its still nice that she made a video just for her current fans.

She seems to be doing a good job on herself by the moans and groans she is making, and can be heard at the end of the video saying “I love tasting myself too, its my favourite part of fingering myself, so I get to finger myself and i get to taste myself”




Banned on Tumblr

Over the many years of Whitney’s crazy videos and pictures being uploaded to her page, receiving mass amounts of interaction by people all over the world, Tumblr decided that enough is enough and went ahead and removed her page, this delivered a massive blow to the fan base of Whitney, and hurt her more so.

Before the devastating and upsetting banning of Wisconsins page, she had uploaded over fifty videos and more than one thousand pictures. The most engaged content was the likes of Whitney having sex in burger king, getting pizza while she had no clothes on, being nude outdoors and giving herself a golden shower (peeing on herself).

Searching around the platform and other social media, you can still find pictures and videos such as her most bizarre beastiality video uploaded. Most of her content is uploaded to self proclaimed fan pages, such as this one.

whitney wisconsin on tumblr

It has been a while since the banning of Whitney Wisconsin’s Tumblr page, and since then she has branched out to other social media platforms to push out her content. This ban clearly has not stopped or discouraged her from creating more videos.

The main social media platforms used by the queen of amateur porn are Twitter, Snapchat and YouTube, although she keeps getting her YouTube banned.

Another piece of content that did the rounds on social media was one where Whitney is in a store being recorded fingering herself, what makes the video even more crazy is that you can hear the people on the other isles doing their shopping.